Monday, March 4, 2013

The Engineering-Design Cycle

Our "20,000 Geeks Under the Sea" engineering Winterim started with productive discussions about how everyday items are designed and what our Winterim design challenge is. We learned some simple soldering techniques and built a power cable component for our underwater vehicle. Tomorrow, we cover buoyancy!

Serious Gaming

Mr. Dawson and his group are very serious about their games.  They are playing games like:

The Settlers of Catan

Eventually they will design their own strategy games. Professional game designers will come to LA to work with our students for two days this week and next week.  They are from Spoiled Flush Games, a small business out of Massachusetts that is designing a diverse line of innovative board, card, dice, and role-playing games.

Another websites to visit about creating or playing board games is

Day One

On an elm tree shaded hillside in an old New England town, some of the elm trees are gone, but good 'ole Winterim has returned like a beautiful, vibrant, perennial flower at the end of  a long, cold, dark Winter.

On the first day of Winterim most off campus projects left. The only remaining project is Adventures in Sailing and they leave for the Leeward Caribbean Islands Thursday of this week. All the Winterim groups are getting acquainted, and the learning has commenced.

Check out the group photos taken so far of the 2013 Winterim Projects.